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New Media and the Reading Experience–New Approaches to Textual Forms, Interfaces, and Social Interactions (Instructors: Alan Liu, UCSB and Kevin Almeroth, UCSB) (Fall 2006) (graduate colloquium)

[Course site]

This instance of the seminar will focus loosely on the mutation of text and reading in digital, multimedia, and networked information environments. What is the current state of research and technological development in adapting the relationship between print, orality, and graphics commonly called “text” to new media? Issues of interest might include: hardware innovations (such as “e-ink” or flexible OLED displays); new text visualization and interface designs; adaptive text aggregation systems (such as Inform.com); tools for online reading and annotation; research in digital literacy and reading practices; text-archiving,—scanning, and—searching initiatives; blogs and social-networking systems; collective reading practices; wireless text-messaging; text-encoding; and the relation between the history and future of the book.

  tl, 09.23.06

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