Conference Schedule
Friday, June 17th (6020 HSSB)
8:30 Coffee and Continental Breakfast
9:00 Welcome: David Marshall, Dean of Humanities and Fine Arts and Professor of English, UC Santa Barbara; William Warner, Director of UC Digital Cultures Project and Professor of English, UC Santa Barbara
9:15 Introduction to Conference: Alan Liu, Director of Transliteracies Project
9:30 – 10:45 Keynoter: Adrian Johns, “Reading, Discovering, and Knowing”
11:00 – 12:30 Conversation Roundtable 1: “Reading, Past and Present.” Moderator: Alan Liu. Discussants: Anne Balsamo, Adrian Johns, Jerome J. McGann, J. Hillis Miller, Carol Braun Pasternack, Leah Price, Ronald E. Rice, Bob Stein, William B. Warner (seed questions for roundtable)
12:30 – 2:00 Lunch (catered)
2 – 3:15 Keynoter: Anne Balsamo, “Designing Culture: A Work of the Technological Imagination”
3:30 – 5 Conversation Roundtable 2: “Reading and Media.” Moderator: Rita Raley. Discussants: Walter Bender, Nicholas Dames, N. Katherine Hayles, Yunte Huang, George Legrady, Tara McPherson, Lisa Parks, Christiane Paul, Warren Sack, Matthew Turk, Curtis Wong (seed questions for roundtable)
5 – 6 Conference Reception
Saturday, June 18th (6020 HSSB)
8:30 Coffee and Continental Breakfast
9:00 – 10:45 The Art of Online Reading (presentations by Christiane Paul, George Legrady, Anne Pascual and Marcus Hauer of Schoenerwissen, and Robert Nideffer)
11:00 – 12:30 Conversation Roundtable 3: “Reading as a Social Practice.” Moderator: Bruce Bimber. Discussants: Kevin Almeroth, John Seely Brown, Judith Green, Cynthia Lewis, Peter Lyman, John Mohr, Christopher Newfield, Schoenerwissen (Marcus Hauer & Anne Pascual), Brigitte Steinheider (seed questions for roundtable)
12:30 – 2:00 Lunch (catered)
2 – 3:15 Keynoter: Walter Bender, “The Rule of Many: New Media and Emergent Intelligence”
3:30 – 5:00 Transliteracies Project Planning Session Moderator: Alan Liu. Discussants: conference participants. Agenda and planning document that will serve as basis for discussion.