Announcement: UCSB Conversation Roundtables on Online Reading
June 17-18, 2005
McCune Room (6020 HSSB), UCSB
Please register (free)
June 17-18, 2005
McCune Room (6020 HSSB), UCSB
Please register (free)
How are people today “reading” in digital, networked environments? For example, what is the relation between reading and browsing, or searching? Or between reading and multimedia? Can innovations in technologies or interfaces increase the productivity, variety, and pleasure of these new kinds of reading? How can the historical diversity of human reading practices help us gauge the robustness of the new digital practices; and, inversely, how can contemporary practices provide new ways to understand the technical, social, and cultural dimensions of historical reading? (more…)
Kevin C. Almeroth * Anne Balsamo * Walter Bender * Bruce Bimber * John Seely Brown * Nicholas Dames * Judith Green * N. Katherine Hayles * Yunte Huang * Adrian Johns * George Legrady * Cynthia Lewis * Alan Liu * Peter Lyman * Jerome J. McGann * Tara McPherson * J. Hillis Miller * John Mohr * Christopher Newfield * Robert Nideffer * Lisa Parks * Carol Braun Pasternack * Christiane Paul * Leah Price * Rita Raley * Ronald E. Rice * Warren Sack * Schoenerwissen/OfCD (Anne Pascual & Marcus Hauer) * Bob Stein * Brigitte Steinheider * Matthew Turk * William B. Warner * Curtis Wong. (more…)
» Three keynote presentations to mark out the diversity of disciplines and approaches needed to address the problem of online reading (keynoters: Anne Balsamo, Walter Bender, Adrian Johns). » Three moderated, plenary conversation roundtables (1. Reading, Past and Present 2. Reading and Media 3. Reading as a Social Practice). » A presentation session on “The Art of Online Reading” featuring Christiane Paul and digital artists George Legrady, Anne Pascual and Marcus Hauer of Schoenerwissen, and Robert Nideffer. » A Planning Workshop for the Transliteracies project.
Discuss online the questions that have been pre-circulated among participants in the conversation roundtables. Comments welcome before and after the conference. (more…)